At the bank & post office

Focus: Daily conversation

Learn and practise common daily phrases using all four skills (listen, write, read, speak).

Step 1:

Work through the exercises following the instructions at the start of the video.

You'll need a pen and paper to write down the 40 sentences you are going to practise (or a Word document to type out these sentences).

If you prefer to work offline, you can download the audio version of these exercises (Audio 1) and a transcript of the sentences (Video transcript) in the ZIP file below.

Step 2:

Now, download the ZIP file below.

Use Audio 2 to listen to and repeat each line of the conversation out loud several times.

Try to listen and repeat without looking at the accompanying PDF.

Step 3:

Now, download the Exercise PDF below and fill in the gaps in the conversation.

Use the PDF you downloaded in step 2 to check your answers.

Bank Post office Exercise.pdf

Step 4:

When you feel you've fully mastered the material in this lesson, take the quiz.

You need to get a minimum score of 80% in each quiz to receive your Certificate of Completion, so repeat the quiz until you score above 80%. You can take each quiz up to 10 times.

Complete and Continue