
Pre-course Bonus

The ‘English Sound System’ Masterclass


Weeks 1-4: Level B1

Week 1:

1. Daily conversation: Meeting and greeting a visitor

2. Grammar in action: Tenses: I do & I am doing

3. Grammar in action: Tenses: I will do & I am going to do

4. Daily conversation: Inviting someone out

5. Grammar in action: Tenses: I am doing & I am going to do

6. Vocabulary boost: Prepositions with basic verbs

7. Grammar boost: 1. Letter ‘s’ + 2. There’s - it’s - its


Week 2:

1. Daily conversation: Telephoning

2. Grammar in action: Tenses: I am doing & I have been doing

3. Grammar in action: Tenses: I have been doing & I have done

4. Daily conversation: Making appointments

5. Grammar in action: Tenses: Action verbs & State verbs

6. Vocabulary boost: Prepositions in common phrases 1 (at - in - on)

7. Grammar boost: 1. Present tenses in conversation + 2. Must & Have to


Week 3:

1. Daily conversation: At the bank & post office

2. Grammar in action: Tenses: I have done & I did

3. Grammar in action: Tenses: I did & I was doing & I had done

4. Daily conversation: At the pharmacy & shop

5. Grammar in action: Articles: a - an - the

6. Vocabulary boost: Prepositions in common phrases 2 (for - of - from)

7. Grammar boost: Present Perfect in British & American English


Week 4:

1. Daily conversation: At the hotel

2. Grammar in action: Adjectives & Adverbs

3. Grammar in action: Comparatives & Superlatives

4. Daily conversation: At the airport

5. Grammar in action: Quantifiers

6. Vocabulary boost: Prepositions in common phrases 3 (to - with - about)

7. Grammar boost: 1. Little & Few + 2. Singular words ending in ‘s’

Weeks 5-8: Level B2

Week 5:

1. Grammar in action: Word order in statements

2. Grammar in action: Word order: Position of adverbs

3. Grammar in action: Phrasal verbs

4. Daily conversation: Overworked & Disappointed

5. Grammar in action: Tenses: I will be doing & I will have done

6. Pronunciation boost: Pronunciation of regular & irregular verbs

7. Grammar boost: 1. Future tenses in conversation + 2. If & When


Week 6:

1. Daily conversation: Bed time & Office trouble

2. Grammar in action: Prepositions of time

3. Grammar in action: Prepositions of place

4. Daily conversation: Computer issues & On the road

5. Grammar in action: Negative words

6. Vocabulary boost: 1. Make & Do + 2. Phrasal verbs with ‘go’

7. Grammar boost: 1. Sometime & Some time + 2. Anything & Nothing


 Week 7:

1. Daily conversation: Office talk & Gym talk

2. Grammar in action: Used to do & Be used to doing

3. Daily conversation: Relationships

4. Grammar in action: Question words

5. Grammar in action: Question tags

6. Vocabulary boost: 1. Phrasal verbs with ‘come’ + 2. Phrasal verbs with ‘put’

7. Grammar boost: 1. Wh-questions + 2. ‘who’ & ‘what’ questions


 Week 8:

1. Grammar in action: Modal verbs: can - could - may – might

2. Daily conversation: School trouble & Shopping Trip

3. Grammar in action: Modal verbs: should - must - have to

4. Daily conversation: Travel matters & Health issues

5. Grammar in action: Modal verbs: will - shall – would

6. Vocabulary boost: 1. Phrasal verbs with ‘take’ + 2. Phrasal verbs with ‘bring’

7. Grammar boost: 1. Modal verbs formulation + 2. Must not & Do not have to


Weeks 9-13: Level C1

Week 9:

1. Grammar in action: Definite article 

2. Formal conversation: Welcoming business visitors

3. Grammar in action: Relative pronouns

4. Formal conversation: Business invitations

5. Grammar in action: Conditionals

6. Vocabulary boost: Phrasal verbs with ‘get’

7. Grammar boost: Conditionals in conversation


Week 10:

1. Grammar in action: Subject-verb agreement

2. Formal conversation: Business telephone calls

3. Grammar in action: Gerund & Infinitive

4. Formal conversation: Business arrangements

5. Grammar in action: Uses of verb ‘have’

6. Pronunciation boost: Word stress & Sentence stress

7. Grammar boost: 1. Causative verbs ‘have’ & ‘get’ + 2. How to use ‘being’


Week 11:

1. Grammar in action: All tenses

2. Formal conversation: Business meetings

3. Grammar in action: All modal verbs

4. Formal conversation: Business negotiations

5. Grammar in action: Passive voice

6. Vocabulary boost: Formal social expressions

7. Grammar boost: Present Perfect: Active & Passive


Week 12:

1. Grammar in action: Linking words: Purpose

2. Grammar in action: Linking words: Condition

3. Formal conversation: Business presentations

4. Grammar in action: Inversions

5. Grammar in action: Subjunctive

6. Vocabulary boost: Informal social expressions

7. Grammar boost: Perfect infinitives & Continuous infinitives

Week 13:

1. Grammar in action: Linking words: Cause & Effect

2. Grammar in action: Linking words: Concession & Contrast

3. Formal conversation: Facts & Figures

4. Grammar in action: Reported speech: Statements

5. Grammar in action: Reported speech: Questions

6. Vocabulary boost: Discussion expressions

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