Present Perfect in British & American English
Focus: Grammar boost
When it comes to choosing between 'I did' and 'I've done', British and American English are a little different.
This causes some confusion, and confusion can affect your confidence to speak.
So, let's make sure the differences are clear to you.
For your own speech, choose the usage that's easier for you.
Step 1:
Watch the video lesson and do the exercises two or three times.
Remember to stop the video from time to time and write down some of the example sentences in your personal notes.
Focus: Dictation
Let's end the week with a dictation to see how well you hear the structures you've activated this week.
Follow these steps:
- Download the ZIP file.
- Listen to the complete Audio once without looking at the PDF transcript.
- Start the Audio again.
- Listen to each sentence two or three times, stop the recording, and write down the sentence.
- Move on to the next sentence.
- When you've written the whole text down, compare your script with the PDF transcript.
When you feel you've fully mastered the topic in the video lesson, take the quiz.
You need to get a minimum score of 80% in each quiz to receive your Certificate of Completion, so repeat the quiz until you score above 80%. You can take each quiz up to 10 times.
Well done! You’ve completed Week 3 of your studies!
Make sure everything is clear and easy to understand and repeat before you start Week 4.