School trouble & Shopping trip
Focus: Daily conversation
Let's practise some more phrasal verbs in two new daily contexts.
Step 1:
Watch the video lesson and do the exercises a few times.
Write down each phrasal verb and its ordinary synonym in your notes.
Your personal list of phrasal verbs is gradually growing. Keep revising them by using your own notes and the audio files.
Notice that you're starting to catch them more easily when you hear them.
Step 2:
Now, download the ZIP file below.
Use the Audio files to listen to and repeat each line of the two dialogues out loud several times.
Try to listen and repeat without looking at the accompanying PDFs.
Step 3:
Now, Download the Exercise PDFs below and fill in the gaps.
Use the transcripts you downloaded in Step 2 to check your answers.
Step 4:
Use the Audio files for a transcription exercise: Listen & write down (or type out) each line of the two dialogues.
Then, compare what you've written down with the transcripts.
Step 5:
Now, take the quiz for more practice.
You need to get a minimum score of 80% in each quiz to receive your Certificate of Completion, so repeat the quiz until you score above 80%. You can take each quiz up to 10 times.