Phrasal verbs with 'get'

Focus: Vocabulary boost

Phrasal verbs and expressions with 'get'

'get' is the most common verb to create phrasal verbs with. Becoming familiar with these will greatly boost your comprehension.

Keep coming back to review this lesson regularly.

Step 1:

Watch the video lesson and do the exercises two or three times until you have no hesitation in choosing the correct preposition.

Step 2:

Now, let's test your reflexes!

Download the ZIP file below, and repeat the exercise using the Audio file without the help of the video or the PDF.

Just listen to each question and answer out loud.

Optional (but highly recommended!):

If listening is your biggest challenge, or if you're finding it difficult to remember the meaning of phrasal verbs, use the Audio file for an additional transcription exercise:

  1. Listen and write down all the sentences.
  2. Check what you've written against the Answer key.

Step 3:

Now, take the quiz for more practice.

You need to get a minimum score of 80% in each quiz to receive your Certificate of Completion, so repeat the quiz until you score above 80%. You can take each quiz up to 10 times.

You’ve almost finished the seventh week of your studies!

If you want to feel how much progress you've made, go back and listen to a few audio files from the first four weeks. Notice how easily you can understand and repeat those sentences.

It will be the same with sentences that may be challenging you now. Keep up the good work!

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