Community features
Live Q&A sessions
At the end of each month, there will be a live 60-minute Q&A Zoom session with me.
They take place at 5 p.m. British Summer Time (9 a.m. Pacific Standard Time).
Make a note of these dates in your diary:
- First Q&A session: Sunday 30th May (end of Week 4)
- Second Q&A session: Sunday 27th June (end of Week 8)
- Third Q&A session: Sunday 1st August (end of Week 13)
You’ll receive an email inviting you to each session.
You can send me your questions in advance to [email protected].
During the session, your microphones must stay off, but you can have your video on if you want.
I’ll answer the questions I’ve received by email first. Then, you can type any more questions you have in the chat box.
You’ll receive a replay of the session, so don’t worry if you can’t join the live session.
Private Facebook Group
Follow the instructions that we’ve sent you in your ‘welcome’ email to join the group.
This is where you’ll meet your fellow students and support each other.
Here, you can introduce yourself and share your experiences of learning English. You can also answer each other’s questions.
Your posts have to be in English, so this is a great opportunity to practise writing.
I’ll visit the group every day to see if you need any input from me.
Conversation classes
If you have chosen the ‘Speaking Package’, you’ll have a weekly group conversation session with me.
You’ll receive an email explaining how to book these sessions.
You can choose the time slot that suits you from several options.
Once you’ve chosen a time slot, this will remain the same for you for all 13 weeks.
The maximum number of participants in each group is 8.