All modal verbs

Focus: Grammar in action

Let's review all the modal verbs to make sure you understand and use them correctly in your conversations.

Step 1:

Watch the video lesson two or three times.

Make sure you write down at least one example from the lesson and one example of your own for each modal verb.

Recommendation: For each function (requesting, expressing possibility, etc.), choose one modal verb that sounds good to you, and always use that one when you speak.

Knowing the alternatives for the same function is only important for your listening skills.

Step 2:

When you have finished the video lesson, download the Exercise PDF below and do the exercises.

Make sure you write complete sentences.

All modal verbs Exercise.pdf

Step 3:

When you've finished the exercises, download the ZIP file below.

Use the Answer key PDF to check and correct your answers.

Then, use the Audio file to build strong reflexes through two listening activities:

Activity 1: Listen & write (or type) each correct answer.

Activity 2: Listen & repeat each correct answer out loud several times without looking at the text.

Step 4:

When you feel you've fully mastered these verbs, take the quiz.

You need to get a minimum score of 80% in each quiz to receive your Certificate of Completion, so repeat the quiz until you score above 80%. You can take each quiz up to 10 times.

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