Business visitors
Focus: Business conversation
In the next few weeks, you'll be practising common phrases in different business situations. Remember that you need to use all four skills (listening, writing, reading, and repeating out loud) to make these phrases fully reflexive in your own speech.
Step 1:
Work through the exercises following the instructions at the start of the video.
You'll need a pen and paper to write down the 40 sentences you are going to practise (or a Word document to type out these sentences).
If you prefer to work offline, you can download the audio version of these exercises (Audio 1) and a transcript of the sentences (Video transcript) in the ZIP file below.
Step 2:
Now, download the ZIP file below.
Use Audio 2 to listen to and repeat each line of the conversation out loud several times.
Try to listen and repeat without looking at the accompanying PDF.
Step 3:
Now, Download the Exercise PDF below and fill in the gaps in the conversation.
Use the PDF you downloaded in step 2 to check your answers.
Step 4:
When you feel you've fully mastered these phrases, take the quiz.
You need to get a minimum score of 80% in each quiz to receive your Certificate of Completion, so repeat the quiz until you score above 80%. You can take each quiz up to 10 times.