Adjectives & Adverbs

Focus: Grammar in action

The rule is easy: Add an 'ly' to an adjective to create an adverb, but there are some exceptions that can lead to confusion.

This lesson will clear these up for you.

Step 1:

Watch the video lesson twice.

The second time, when you hear good examples, stop the video and note them down.

Remember that note taking improves your focus and assimilation.

Step 2:

When you've finished the video lesson, download the Exercise PDF below and do the exercises.

Adjectives & Adverbs Exercise.pdf

Step 3:

When you've finished the exercises, download the ZIP file below.

Use the Answer key PDF to check and correct your answers.

Then, use the Audio file to assimilate the topic and build reflexes through two listening activities:

Activity 1: Listen & write (or type) each correct answer.

Activity 2: Listen & repeat each correct answer out loud several times without looking at the text.

Step 4:

When you feel you've fully mastered the material in this lesson, take the quiz.

You need to get a minimum score of 80% in each quiz to receive your Certificate of Completion, so repeat the quiz until you score above 80%. You can take each quiz up to 10 times.

Complete and Continue