Pronunciation of regular & irregular verbs in Past forms

Focus: Pronunciation boost

Part 1: Regular verbs

It's easy to change a regular verb into its past simple or past particle form: Just add 'ed'.

But, 'ed' can be pronounced in three different ways.

Let's discover these three different ways and then do some pronunciation practice.

Step 1:

Watch the video lesson to understand why 'ed' is pronounced in three different ways.

Step 2:

After watching the video, download the ZIP file .

First, listen to all the verbs recorded in the Audio file while looking at the Audio transcript.

Then, listen to and repeat each verb out loud several times without looking at the transcript.

Part 2: Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs don't follow any rules. You just have to memorise them.

So, now download the second ZIP file below to practise the pronunciation of the most common irregular verbs.

First, listen to the Audio file while looking at the transcript.

Then, listen to and repeat each verb out loud several times without looking at the transcript.

Now, take this quiz. I've chosen 10 verbs that I often hear mistakes with.

You need to get a minimum score of 80% in each quiz to receive your Certificate of Completion, so repeat the quiz until you score above 80%. You can take each quiz up to 10 times.

You’ve almost finished the fifth week of your studies!

Start looking back through your notes for this week and listening to the audio files one more time.

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